Golf Outing 2024

Golf Outing 2024

Results from the 2024 BNMA Annual Golf outing

1st Place Team: A.W. Miller: 58

2nd Place Team: Lumsden McCormick: 62

3rd Place Team: NYMAT: 64

Closest to the Pin (Men): Charlie Barth - Lumsden McCormick

Closest to the Pin (Women): Jenna Hutzler - Riveter

Long Drive (Men): Max Winterburn - DataSure24

Long Drive (Women): Jenna Hutzler - Riveter

Congratulations to all the winners. Thank you to everyone that came out and participated in this event. While I think we all wish it could have been 10 degrees warmer, from the smiles on members faces tells me that fun was had by all. A HEARTY thank you to our tournament sponsors and tee sign sponsors. We are grateful for your investment in the BNMA.