February Annual Meeting and Beer Tasting Event

February Annual Meeting and Beer Tasting Event

of service to the BNMA and his involvement in the Northland Workforce Training Center.

President Peter Coleman introduced Buffalo Mayor, Byron Brown, who mentioned the work taking place at Northland is critical for the area’s workforce, and thanked everyone for what we are doing in manufacturing and commented that we shouldn’t hesitate to call him.

Peter explained the purpose of the annual meeting is to unify our industry while strengthening our members. He said this is your meeting and we will need to ratify the By-laws and change the rights of the members by asking for a verbal vote at our next meeting.

Peter reviewed the events from 2019 and shared the 2020 meeting agenda, highlighting the tours of Dynabrade, Dupont and Sumitomo. He mentioned the 186 members in 2019 and the record meeting attendance we have had.

Peter’s President Report says we are right on track; that the state of manufacturing in WNY and the nation is stable but showing signs of slowing down. He explained the BNMA’s 2020 strategic plan through Workforce Development, Programming, and Advocacy, and that we are positioned for growth.

Catherine Muth gave an update on workforce development by explaining all the programs available at the Northland Workforce Training Center. She updated us on the 248 students served and the retention rate of 84%. Catherine mentioned the upcoming graduating classes in May and August of 2020 and if anyone is interested to contact either Catherine Muth by email catherinem@bnmalliance.com or 716-436-3229 ext .061 or Guy Allan by email gallan@northlandwtc.org or 716-436-3229 ext. 025.

Catherine is also working on a registered Apprenticeship program, if interested please contact her.

Other developments are happening with an Industry Training program with Moog, MT1, and we are partnering with Shift, Insyte, WorldLeaders, Ignition, and UB TCIE.

If you are wanting more detailed information on the BNMA Annual Meeting, please contact Linda Seipel at lindas@bnmalliance.com.